My name is Marina Teramond.

I was born in Baltimore, Maryland and have lived here all my life to this day. I am currently a financial adviser at N.M.P.L. I have been working here since 2020. I am married and raising a little daughter Kylie.
I am always open to communication and meeting new people! If you have questions about the financial sector, then I will try to answer them. I also have considerable experience in real estate (until 2020 I worked as a real estate agent) and legal law.
I love to read. Every day I try to find useful information for myself and gain new knowledge!
I am the author of some of the articles on this website. In the near future, I plan to host a free financial literacy workshop in Baltimore. Follow the news on my Facebook page!
If you have questions about the material published on the site, then you can always discuss them with me!
For communication: [email protected]